South Dakota School of
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Student Pilot Resources:
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA) -
A great place for general aviation information and
it has lots
of generally useful information. For $39 per year it is a great organization to be a part
of. As a member you are eligible to receive a 5% discount on your flying expenses when you
use the AOPA MBNA credit card. As a student pilot, you even get a free magazine.
Click here for more information. King Schools - Tons of pilot supplies including a private pilot home study course. Click here to go to their website. Sportys - Tons of pilot supplies including a private pilot home study course. Click here to go to their website. Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) - An organization of highly diverse aviation enthusiasts: from restoration experts and historians to leading-edge innovators venturing into space with modern technology; from do-it-yourself homebuilders to owners and operators of production aircraft; from ultralight and light sport aircraft flyers to jet owners; from the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh air show spectator to the air show performer. Click here for more information. Learning to Fly (AOPA) - This is a great website offered by AOPA that explains some of the basics of learning to fly. It's accessible through links from the main AOPA page or easier, simply click here.
Textbooks, etc.
There are many available texts on flying and learning to fly. Here are a few that cover the basics. These books and others are available from many sites including
Pilot Manual (JS314500) by Jeppesen-Sanderson - covers the basics of
flying, flying skills, procedures, etc. This is a good place to start.
This is a hard covered book, well illustrated, and written.
FAR/AIM 2009: Federal Aviation
Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual by Federal Aviation
Administration - This book is the procedural 'bible' for pilots of general
aviation aircraft. It reads like a telephone book but it covers the
important rules of flying. You'll will probably need this book to study for your written
exam. It
seems like every private pilot has a copy of the FAR/AIM book.
Private Pilot and Recreational Pilot FAA Written
Exam for the FAA Computer-Based Pilot Knowledge Test by Irvin N. Gleim-
There are many texts available that present the questions (with recommended
answers) that you'll see on the FAA written exam. Yes, all questions are
published but there are several hundred and your exam will randomly select about
fifty or sixty of them. Most students simply work all the questions as
part of the process of studying for the written exam. This book, published
by Gleim, is one of the more popular texts of FAA questions. Software is
available too with automatic scoring and all the bells and whistles of computer
assisted learning.